Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The weather today has been gorgeous... it's kinda making me dread going back to New England where it is currently:
Right now it is 65° and perfectly sunny. I laid outside on the grass for about 30 minutes and just fell in love with the sun. (Working on my base tan...) And the rest of the week looks exactly the same. And you might think that Boston doesn't look that bad - but that weather right there, is NOT normal and I know by the time I get there (in approx. 15 days) it will be disgusting and PROBABLY snowing. However, I really do want a white Christmas so I won't complain. I'm just worried that I'll freeze my little, white ass off as soon as I land in JFK. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

black friday isn't a joke

Every year, as soon as Thanksgiving dinner ends people rush to their nearest department store and happily stand outside, in line, in the freezing cold, for hours on end. Just hoping to be the first one in the doors so they can grab the best deals before all the other crazies. I  know what you're thinking, woah, that's devotion. But no, it's just plain stupidity. I mean I love stuff as much as the next guy but that seriously sounds awful. Because the first thing I wanna do after snarfing down pounds and pounds of potatoes, cranberry, and turkey is take a long nap (food coma) and not wait outside in the cold with a hundred other loonies. Now, mind you, I have never actually partaken in this insane US of A tradition. So it is possible that I'm totally missing out... but I have my doubts. Not to mention that every year there's like 3 people that get killed over this madness. Killed. Last year I remember reading about this old woman who got trampled in front of Walmart. And there's always your token "I got pepper sprayed in the eyes" story. If that isn't enough to deter you I don't know what will. Plus, I'm 99% sure that it's all a huge scam. Those stores know just about every way to make it seem like you're getting a great deal, when you most certainly are not.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

ok this is just insane


Check out this link. You probably think I'm a tool for reading Cracked but it is articles like these that make the humiliation of being a Cracked reader worth it. There are no words to describe these people except fucking insane. Read this article and you'll agree.

P.S. How badly do you wish you were this kid??!?

where is motherfucker jones when you need him

This morning I arrived at work at the usual time. My boss had told me that I should print some stuff off her computer and file it and she wouldn't be coming in until this afternoon. But she'd leave instructions and her password on her desk. When I walked into her office this morning neither of those things were there. I texted her, asking what the password to her computer was. She texted me an HOUR later saying, and I quote, "I am really sick but decided to come to school. Am on way."
So now she can come in two and a half hours late and still look like a hero. I might kill her.

Wish I had two more hours of sleep.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

what if i get home and

My expectations for my return home are way too high. I've been looking forward to it since I got here so how can it possibly live up to my expectations?? Right?? I just feel like all my friends have moved on without me and when I get back it's going to be weird and they'll fit together better without me. Maybe that's crazy, but it doesn't mean I'm not freaking out about it. God damn.
So this is just a notice that as of now I'm lowering my expectations. When I go home I just want to relax and have a nice Christmas with my family. And anything else that works out is just... icing on the cake. Is that too much to ask for?

but what's cake without the icing? 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


My first Thanksgiving away from home. The faculty gathered for a potluck Thanksgiving dinner. It was kinda a let down. Homesickness is setting in. 20 more days. No mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes.... What the hell is that? I did have really good pecan pie though. Sorry for the depressing post but there's really no place like home. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

sums up my week.

when i get home

I'm so excited about going home. I fall asleep every night thinking about all the glorious things I get to do as soon as I am home. I cannot wait to get a mani-pedi. Judge me if you like but I did not bring any nail polish to the Middle East because I didn't think I'd miss it - little did I know I REALLY WOULD. Not to mention the nail polish here a) sucks and b) is 3x the price it would be in the States. And I cannot knowingly pay that much more. It would kill me. Because let's be honest, I am my mother's daughter. I am yearning for this shade:

Smokin' Hot by Essie

Besides the obvious things I'd like to do, like seeing my friends and family I also cannot wait to bake. I have pinned the most delicious looking recipes and I reallyyyy miss cooking with my mom and singing to Alison Krauss. Here are some must try recipes: (follow me on pinterest.com for more amazing recipes) 

The one last thing I need ASAP after I land at JFK is to drink some milk. The milk here makes me sick and I miss it. SO MUCH. 


Exam week is here. And somehow I got stuck proctoring. Which means for two hours I sit in silence watching kids press buttons on their calculators and scribble things on their exams. It is so quiet it's making my head hurt. So I figured that as long as I'm on my computer I should do some more xmas shopping.

Here are some fantastic must haves:

 And a shit ton of MAC makeup. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

just as i suspected

At first my boss seemed pretty cool about me leaving. She seemed surprised... which was weird. I wasn't expecting that. Was she really hoping I stick out 6 more months with her? Umm, I'll pass. Anyways she did the whole, "what will we do without you, you've been such a great help" thing. Which I kind of expected. She's so passive aggressivo I didn't think she'd just come out and be a bitch about the whole thing. But then things took a turn for the worse. And the unexpected. Literally verbatim:
Boss: "We'll I'm glad were finally getting a chance to talk because I just wanted to ask you if there was anything that I was doing that was stopping you from being creative or taking initiative."

EXCUSE ME BITCH!?? I put up with all your shit constantly, day after day. Mind my own business and do what I'm told. I could not believe that she said that. And it was so typical to make it seem like she wasn't accusing me of anything but rather helping me "air my grievances" about her by insulting me. Bitch, I don't feel bad about leaving anymore at all. SUCK IT.

P.S. It's clear she's just pissed I'm leaving and she has to pick up my slack. Sorry you might actually have to work now and can't come in after noon and claim "your daughter was sick" for the umpteenth time.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I am forcing myself to tell my boss that I'm leaving tomorrow. It must be done. Stay tuned...

you'll be happy to know

That it seems I have "dismounted" if you will, from the roller coaster. After a relaxing and lovely weekend with Sam I have somehow set my mind at ease. Trust me, if I knew how I did I'd definitely let you know my secret. But unfortunately I don't know. Maybe I just needed some quality time with my boyfriend to kick back and watch multiple Greek episodes and be reminded of how much I can enjoy spending time with him. Even when we aren't doing anything. Whatever it was, I realized that I just need to take my life day by day and not let the craziness of life become overwhelming. I know, I know, easier said than done.

what i'm watching

Here are the few shows currently on TV that have kept my interest: 

And I really wish I could be watching New Girl. But sadly it has yet to make an appearance in Jordan.

if demi and ashton can't make it work...

who can???  Poor Demi. Ashton, we all thought you were better than this.
But this really only raises one question for me...

Is he the father of January Jones' baby??????

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


...how do people not get discouraged when writing a blog? Props to you, weirdos. Because when I see that only about 4 people have even had this page open (who knows if they even read ANYTHING) I will admit I get discouraged. But I have to remind myself that I'm writing this for me. So fuck you non-readers. This is for me. ...right??

how do i get off this roller coaster?

I've been in such a weird mood lately. I feel like I've been riding a roller coaster with the my emotional ups and downs. I'm thinking that I can't wait to go home. I'm thinking about college. I'm thinking about my boyfriend. I'm thinking about our fast approaching travel to Costa Rica. I'm thinking about how I could really use a day with my two best friends. I'm thinking I could just use a day at home cooking with my mom. I'm thinking about why my job is so unfulfilling lately. Whyyyy am I being so squirrely? I know I should just enjoy my last month in Jordan and put my mind at east. Why does that sound so much simpler than it is?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

xmas wish list

Some much needed essentials.
Urban Ears Headphones 
Kaleidoscope iPhone Case 

Free People Cropped Sweater

Alphabet Rings 

i have to tell my boss...

that I'm leaving for Costa Rica next semester. And that I won't be coming back after December break... Here's what could happen:
1. she gets really emotional and tells me she has no idea how she will run this place when I leave
2. she gets really pissed that I'm ditching and makes me do all the work she was saving for next semester, now
3. nothing changes
4. she stops giving me any work because she views it as "pointless"

And let's be honest it's not gonna be 1, 3, or 4. So if you're wondering why I have been delaying it for a few weeks... you have your answer.

Monday, November 14, 2011

because i couldn't resist

 I thought I'd end my blogging for the day one a lighter note. i.e. the Office.

beginning to thaw

After freezing my ass off in my office all day, my coworker finally helped me figure out how to turn on my heat. I didn't even know I had heat. My joy in unmeasurable. I think I might actually be beginning to feel my toes again. Hallelujah!

my theory

After stumbling through some random blogs I've come to these conclusions. 
Blogs are either about:
1. People being creepily religious.
2. People's families and children (which are cute at first but get increasingly annoying). 
3. People who are either totally depressed with their uneventful lives or totally bored.  (I'm pretty sure I fall into this category). 

But you keep clicking through them because when you find a blog that is either hilarious or unique and fun it's like eating a piece of reallyyyy good cake. And you just want to keep reading it and reading it, until you've read everything. And even though you are really full you still feel a little empty inside. So I will keep searching for those blogs that actually interest and excite me. Because I know there are a few out there and I'm bored and persistent enough to find them. 

the glory hole

This was on The Soup last week - one of the funniest clips I've seen in a while. 

judge me. it's fine. i'm judging myself.

So everyday the school I work at (which I should tell you is almost flat broke) pays for a huge box full of cookies to be delivered to the faculty lounge at 9:30 AM. Once I found out about this I was first overjoyed and then perplexed. Why is this school paying for all these cookies to be delivered everyday? Is this the best use for this money? Although I am still rather perplexed, my thought is that if they are going to do it I might as well enjoy them. So at about 9:20 (to get there before the rush) I leave my desk and walk all the way across campus for four mediocre cookies. And it basically makes my day.

don't get me wrong

I love the Titanic. Anyone with half a brain and a heart does. However, as much as I love it, I always skip the ending. Because, let's face it, I'm a huge wimp and even cried during Winnie the Pooh when I was three when he got stuck in Rabbit's hole. I like to end the movie basically as soon as the ship bitchslaps the iceberg. But the first time I watched I watched it all the way through. And don't get me wrong, obviously I knew how it would end but here's my one probably with the movie:
Also for your own enjoyment:

my boss is trying to kill me

My boss just came into my office with a huge tin of cookies and offered me one (never one to pass up on a cookie I obviously obliged). After taking one bite she handed me five more (literally five I'm not joking) and stood there to watch me enjoy my treat. What looked like a harmless cookie was actually filled with some mystery goo inside. I literally cannot describe the taste to you but it was vile. It looks like something between fig paste mixed with some molasses or something. But because she had handed my five more and was standing there watching me I did my best to choke it down. As soon as she left I promptly threw away the rest. But my question is WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE COOKIES???? Hell, they can't even be defined by the word cookie, but why are they masquerading as such?!?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

ryan gosling is one sexy motherfucker

I was watching Crazy, Stupid, Love last night (watch it if you haven't) and I watched that one scene where Emma Stone (love her) rushes into the bar after breaking up with her lame boyfriend (hilarious every time) and kisses Ryan Gosling. It literally is like the best thing I've ever seen. Like literally the best on screen kiss I have EVER seen. The two of them have the best chemistry on set and it doesn't hurt that both of them are DAMN fine.

you probably want to know...

I'm guessing since I've only told you a very little about myself that you'll want to know a little more. I'm in Jordan at King's Academy with my boyfriend of about two years. We graduated from high school in May and are here until the middle of December. In February we both leave King's to attend the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde, Costa Rica. If you want to follow our journey follow us at http://watchingthegap.tumblr.com/. I've created a more personal blog to talk about things that are interesting and important to me and do some more writing. Because without homework and required reading and essays I haven't done much lately. (And that's not a complaint, trust me.) At King's Sam and I are what they call a Junior Fellow, basically we take a few classes (Arabic and Middle Eastern Seminar) and pick an internship. I'm working in the Learning Center, basically just tutoring high school students in English and History. I live in the dorms on campus (in the freshmen girls dorm, Alnilam). It's been exciting and interesting and if you want to know more go to link I just posted. I'm hoping to talk about more fun stuff here - less about my experience and more about random things that are interesting to me. 

ok. so that was a bad idea.

After searching for Thanksgiving food for about 15 minutes I got too hungry and had to stop. However, that sweet potato looks amaaazin. (The use of this word reminds about things you absolutely NEED to see/read.)

1. The annoying pronunciation of the word amazing is a shout out to my favorite show on TV. Happy Endings.
Watch this immediately! This is the cover for the first season- which was so fantastic. (I'm talking Arrested Development good). I haven't seen the new season yet, because the Middle East doesn't find it as amusing as I do... and I only get like 10 channels on the TV in the dorm common room, 6 of which are in Arabic. But I HIGHLY recommend it.
The other thing you have to do is read this book:

What's New, Pussycat? By Alexandra Potter.
If you like chick lit as much as I do, then this book is a must.

I know I'm sounding bossy but I just want to share the three things in my life currently that have improved it greatly. The last thing is this site called pinterest.com. And it's about the greatest thing ever. Request an invite and see what I mean.

thanksgiving fondness

I'm sitting in my freezing office, pondering whether or not it's worth it to walk down the hall and turn on the heat. I'm in the Middle East, working at a school. And at the moment I'm not only freezing but also thinking about how much I'm going to miss Thanksgiving back home. Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday, right after Halloween (what other holiday not only allows you but ENCOURAGES you to stuff your face with candy??). And that's why Thanksgiving is a close second... (encourages you to stuff your face with other fantastic dishes). So in the spirit of my current homesickness I'm posting delicious pictures of my dream Thanksgiving meal.